
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Issues polarize, and Christians sometimes polarize into "Conservative" and "Progressive." What can we learn about this from Jesus' challenge to the Sadducees over resurrection in Luke 20?

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Episode 20: Have yourselves a materialistic Christmas
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
In the last episode for the year, I look at what Christian materialism is, based on a reading of John's gospel. This is our guide to having a truly Merry Christmas

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Episode 19: The Fall and the Anthropocene
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Christian thinkers throughout the ages, from Augustine to Walter Wink have discussed and argued about the nature of The Fall. In this episode, I conduct a brief survey of some of this work and its implications for how we understand the Anthropocene.

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Episode 18: The Sea is Eating the Ground: A Theology of Climate Change
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Sea level rise due to climate change threatens millions, yet Christians often argue that the promise to never flood the world again in Genesis 8 means we can ignore the science. In this episode, I examine why a proper understanding of the flood and the language of chaos means this isn't the case.

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Episode 17: The Self-Emptying Godhead and an ethic for the Anthropocene
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
God is Trinity, and hence love as expressed by an eternal loving relationship, and self-emptying as demonstrated on the cross. This provides us with a profound ethical basis for acting in lovingly and sacrificially in the Anthropocene.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Episode 16: A Christian Humanist Manifesto, or something
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
With Evangelicalism being a tarnished brand for some, is it time for a different way of thinking about the Christian faith in the increasingly non-Christian west? Here I tentatively offer the idea of Christian Humanism as an alternative.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Episode 15: ET and the Anthropocene - do aliens tell our fate?
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Do aliens exist, and if they do are they also at risk of self-annihilation due to destroying their planets? In this episode I look at this question as a "theological thought experiment" through the work of theologian and physicist John Polkinghorne.

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Episode 14: The book of Revelation and a theology of the future
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
In an age of climate change, artificial intelligence, and political chaos, does the book of Revelation tell us that things can only get better, or worse? Or does it tell us that God is in charge of history, and that we have a job to do?

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Episode 13: The image of God and our vocation of the soil
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
What does Genesis 1-2 have to do with growing food, and why should Christians get into the garden?

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
This episode looks at the idea of tipping points in society, and how keeping the Sabbath provides us as a way of tipping history in the right direction.